Before I forget what all we did over break, I thought I'd summarize the week and put in a few here goes...
As soon as we got out of school on Friday, March 13, we headed for Texarkana to see our family. We also went to Kara Pickering's wedding on Saturday. It was a very unique country wedding, outside at Kara's home. It had rained all week and was really cold, but she was beautiful and so was everyone else in the wedding. Patsy Griffin coordinated everything and decorated the area...she did a wonderful as usual! They even served a huge bbq meal after the wedding! It was fun getting to visit with my old students and my teacher friends from Redwater that I miss so much!
After dinner on Saturday, we headed back to Malakoff without the boys--they got to stay with Grammy & PawPaw for the whole week! They absolutely loved it! And we enjoyed our time at home...I CLEANED & CLEANED! My goal was to deep clean Evan's & Ethan's rooms, the office area, and my closet. I accomplished everything except my closet...maybe that will come soon! I was able to truly clean Evan's room without him here...he always watches my every move and has to keep EVERY single piece of paper and wrapper from every thing he owns! He's a bigger packrat than I am!
On Wednesday, March 18, Eric drove me to Gladewater so we could meet PawPaw, Evan, Ethan, & Caleb for lunch. Dad took me back to Texarkana with the boys while Eric went back to church to work. He came up on Thursday evening. In Texarkana, I thoroughly enjoyed resting, visiting, and scrapbooking (FINALLY!). I created a little 7x7 album using a story book that Ethan LOVES to read called I LOVE YOU THIS MUCH. I used pictures of him and put the words of the story throughout the book. It really turned out cute. I enjoy scrapbooking so much because it's a creative outlet/stress reliever for me. I need to do that more often!
(Here are some pages from my new scrapbook...)
We also visited Ami in the hospital each day because she had back surgery on Tuesday. She's in rehab now & will probably go home by the end of the week. It was nice to see Ami's mom, Connie, too. She came to visit and help Ami while recovering.
On Saturday, we had a little family birthday party for Eric & Evan. It was nice to visit with Pat & Larry Dodd too. Evan wanted a birthday cake with "technology" on it, so the only thing I could think of was to take a picture of him to put on top of his cake. Albertson's did a great job with that! I didn't realize it was going to be such a big picture, and Evan was so surprised! He loved it--he insisted that he would get to eat his face! Kind of creepy if you ask me! :)