Well, I've been wanting to talk about several things that have been going on in our lives during the last several weeks, but I have not had time to sit down and write. Today, we're off for Memorial Day, so I decided that I could take the time to write before I start cleaning the house...
First, I have not posted my last 2 Memory Verses...I have been keeping up with them...just haven't put them here. I am SO glad that I decided to take this challenge from Beth Moore to memorize 2 verses a month for 2009! I need the accountability, and so far I'm making it. I told Evan that I'm going to have him memorize verses with me this summer. :)
Memory Verse #9
The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?
The Lord is with me; He is my helper. I will look in triumph on my enemies.
Psalm 118:5-7
Memory Verse #10
So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.
You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.
Hebrews 10:35-36
These two verses were both earlier selections of Beth Moore, and I really like them. I don't think I would have found them without her posting them. They both relate to things going on in our lives right now.
Evan's Mouth is Becoming "HOL-EE"
At the beginning of April, Evan lost his first molar...he started losing one every week for about a month! I couldn't believe how they were just falling out! I guess he's growing up! Within a month, he had lost FIVE molars! And he will NEVER let us pull them...he just keeps fidgeting with them until the fall out. Two of them fell out during lunch at school and the nurse gave him a cute little plastic treasure chest to save his tooth. The last one fell out while we were getting our haircuts at Candy's in Texarkana on May 2. I think that's the last one for a while. Here are a few pictures of his grown-up mouth.

First, I have not posted my last 2 Memory Verses...I have been keeping up with them...just haven't put them here. I am SO glad that I decided to take this challenge from Beth Moore to memorize 2 verses a month for 2009! I need the accountability, and so far I'm making it. I told Evan that I'm going to have him memorize verses with me this summer. :)
Memory Verse #9
The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?
The Lord is with me; He is my helper. I will look in triumph on my enemies.
Psalm 118:5-7
Memory Verse #10
So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.
You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.
Hebrews 10:35-36
These two verses were both earlier selections of Beth Moore, and I really like them. I don't think I would have found them without her posting them. They both relate to things going on in our lives right now.
Evan's Mouth is Becoming "HOL-EE"
At the beginning of April, Evan lost his first molar...he started losing one every week for about a month! I couldn't believe how they were just falling out! I guess he's growing up! Within a month, he had lost FIVE molars! And he will NEVER let us pull them...he just keeps fidgeting with them until the fall out. Two of them fell out during lunch at school and the nurse gave him a cute little plastic treasure chest to save his tooth. The last one fell out while we were getting our haircuts at Candy's in Texarkana on May 2. I think that's the last one for a while. Here are a few pictures of his grown-up mouth.
Breathe Deep Conference
Eric and I had the opportunity to go to a marriage retreat at the Great Wolfe Lodge in Grapevine on May 7-9. It was a wonderful time to get away and relax. The hotel is really cool because it has a huge indoor water park! It would be great for a family vacation! It was so nice to visit with our friends from Texarkana that were there too...Tim & Shelby Strebeck & Cory & Shelly Calicott. Tim is the youth director at our old church in Nash, so we really enjoyed spending time with them again.
Silly Ethan!
All of my boys have such funny & crazy personalities--Eric, Evan, and Ethan always come up with creative ways to make me smile. Here are a few of Ethan's creative moments! One night, while we were talking to Mom & Dad on the webcam, Eric had his feet propped up on the footstool. Ethan said, "Daddy take your shoes off!" Then, he proceeded to take Eric's ANKLE socks off of him and sat down and put them on his own feet...well, they went all the way up Ethan's legs! It was so cute to watch him walk around the house, holding on to his new socks!
May 19, 2009 will always be etched in my memory as the last birthday in my 30's! My age has really never bothered my until this one. I guess it's because I always think 30's seem pretty young, but the 40's seem like I'm really an adult and need to "grow up!" Because of the timing of my birthday, we didn't get to be with my family in Texarkana ON my birthday...we're going to celebrate next weekend when we get to visit again. Eric did make it a special day, though. He sent me flowers at school, brought lunch to me from Cherry Laurel deli, and then took me to Corsicana to meet Taffy & Buddy for supper at the Old Mexican Inn. One of my calculus students, Bryana, also made it a special day as well! She brought me some pretty orange lilies and a cute cake that had 13 x 3 on the top (a creative way to list my age). We all enjoyed eating the cake in class that day! I really enjoyed the birthday wishes on my facebook too! It feels good to know someone is thinking about you.

Pictures of my Boys
Every time we drive toward Tyler, we pass this neat little park in Chandler that has a really pretty gazebo and bridge. All year, I've told Eric we have to stop there and take pictures. On Saturday, we planned to meet my sister's family in Tyler, so I told Eric this would be the day we would take time to stop & take pictures. Well, my boys (all 3 of them) do NOT cooperate too well when I want to take family pictures but I did manage to get a few good ones. I didn't get one of all 4 of us, but maybe someday. :)
Evan decided to run in front of the camera when I was taking this picture. What a sweet son! :)
Yeah! We got a good pose!
Another good pose!
Ethan was NOT going for this pose at all! It was a good idea though!