1. To TOTALLY declutter our house and establish the cleaning routines that FlyLady teaches. I know they work--I was really doing well with some of the routines I established a few years ago...I think it was before Ethan was born...having a baby kinda throws you into CHAOS! Well, I'm finally to a point that I think I can start establishing some daily routines to keep our home "blessed." You can check her out at http://www.flylady.net/.

2. To attempt to POTTY TRAIN ETHAN. This is HARD and not going so well so far! We (really, I should say "I") started trying to get serious about this on Tuesday. That day we went through 4 pairs of big boy underwear, a pull-up, and 2 diapers in 12 hours...and not ONCE did he potty in the potty! I think he might have gone twice since then in the potty. It's extremely difficult but he is actually ok with me putting him on the potty seat now. He used to cry and say NO every time I took him to sit on the potty. And he really likes wearing his big boy underwear...he just doesn't really care if they get wet. He just keeps on playing! We needs lots of prayer and patience in this area.
3. To lose the 20 pounds that I've managed to gain over the last year. I tell everyone that this move has been detrimental to my health and it has! I finally faced the hard facts and went back to Weight Watchers on Tuesday. I have gained 10 pounds since the end of January! I know one huge contributing factor is that I quit going to Curves...we could NOT get it to work in our schedules. I truly believe exercise is the key...that's how I managed to maintain for the last 3 years! Well, I've recommitted to exercising at home and have only missed one day this week so far. And I've recommitted to writing down what I eat because that is another HUGE key on helping with the weight loss. I know HOW to lose weight--I could teach all of the Weight Watchers lessons--I've heard every version of them off and on for the past 20 years! I know what works...I just have to "work the plan" as they say at the meetings. I'm committed again because I don't want to be HUGE and depressed when we go to Disney at the end of the summer! :)
OK, so I've posted my goals...so now I have to be accountable...
Now, I'm going to exercise and get that checked off my to-do list for the day. :)