This was a long, magical day! We started out by heading toward the TomorrowLand because we knew that ToonTown was close by. Evan found a Stitch ride that he wanted to ride, so he and Eric stood in line while Ethan and I walked around. We quickly found Buzz Light Year signing autographs and there wasn’t even a long line! Ethan LOVED meeting the characters and getting their autographs! He would run up to them and give them a big hug. He kept saying, “He signed my book!” We also found Stitch, so he got another autograph! Then, we found some air-conditioned shops to hang out in while we waited on Eric & Evan. Ethan had a blast just playing with all the toys in the shops!
We soon found the Tea Cups and just had to ride it! Can you tell Ethan enjoys being dizzy! I started feeling a little woozy because I kept trying to take pictures while we were spinning out of control!

We spent most of our day in Mickey’s ToonTown Fair! This was Ethan’s absolute favorite! They had a kiddy roller coaster called Goofy’s Barnstormer. Ethan would have ridden that over and over had the line not been long!
Then, we discovered Mickey’s & Minnie’s houses! I almost didn’t get Ethan out of Minnie’s kitchen! She had an oven that has a birthday cake that rises and falls and plays music…the place was SO CROWDED but Ethan had his nose plastered to that oven for at least 10 minutes! I had to pry him away and he started BAWLING! He still talks about Minnie’s birthday cake! Luckily, Evan videotaped it, so we have watched that over and over since we’ve been home!
We also found a store there that had a build-your-own Mr. Potato Head…kinda like Build-A-Bear. You could fill your box with as many pieces for a set price…so Daddy helped the boys stuff those boxes until they were overflowing…this was serious business! Ethan didn’t really care about much except the umbrella piece! I guess he’s pretty easy to please! Evan wanted all of the Star Wars pieces. After we made our purchase, we met Chip & Dale and then took a ride on the train around the entire park (a few times). It was nice to sit and ride for a while.

When we got off the train, Eric decided we better find those ponchos because the afternoon rain was coming! He was on a mission! So we found a shop and sure enough, the rain came! We bought the ponchos but not before we tried on every hat in the store!

We then headed to FrontierLand and took the boat over to Tom Sawyer’s Island. The boys enjoyed playing on the fort and walking through the caves. We stayed there for quite awhile until the afternoon rain caused them to close the island for a little while. So we headed back to the mainland.
Next, we rode the monorail over to the Contemporary Hotel to eat at Chef Mickey’s for a late dinner—the only reservations I could get were for 8:45 pm! We got there a little early and enjoyed walking around the hotel. It was so cool—they had their own little beach and a huge dock to walk out to the water. Dinner at Chef Mickey’s was one of our many highlights of the week! Besides a fabulous dinner buffet, we got to meet Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, and Pluto. Each one of them came by our table and took pictures with us. This was a perfect ending to a magical day!

Mickey helped Ethan put his straw in his apple juice and then he tried to drink it himself!

I think Minnie was flirting with my husband!

Don't these desserts look delightful?

Ethan was so excited to see Donald!

The boys loved playing with Goofy & Pluto!