Turning those “Little Annoyances” into “Blessings from God”
This weekend, I’ve had a lot of time to just sit around & think & read & sleep. I THOUGHT I was going to get to spend my weekend with these girls at the Mom Heart Conference in Dallas, but my body had other plans for me.
I have not been out of the house since Thursday afternoon (very UNlike me) except for the 3 hours I spent at the doctor’s office on Friday finding out that I have PNEUMONIA! Not fun! Not fun at all! I don’t understand why I’m getting all of these strange sicknesses this year…I had strep throat in December & it knocked me out for 3 days. Well, we’re on day 5 now and I’m not really feeling much better yet. The doctor thought I’d be well enough to go back to school today, but I haven’t quit running a fever yet! And my chest is in such pain from coughing!
But…as I laid in my bed last night, not being able to sleep from the chills, I decided I needed to focus on my BLESSINGS instead of all of the frustrations.
So here are a few…
*My dear husband is trying his best to take care of me, the boys, and the home. It’s totally out of his comfort zone & he’s so busy & exhausted on Sundays anyway, but he took the boys to church with him (an hour early, I might add) yesterday morning, got our lunch (from McDonald’s), folded a bunch of laundry, washed a bunch of dishes, and got the boys to bed last night.

*Evan has been such a great helper! On Friday morning, he made breakfast for himself & for his Daddy. Toaster streudel with the icing spread on the top and a half a banana on each plate…just like I do for him each morning!

*My dad & sister met Eric & Evan in Gilmer to bring me my little baby back! I missed him so much! God knew exactly what He was doing when my parents took him for the week! We were able to help before & after church each night of the revival…serving pizza, setting the tables for steak night, & doing whatever needed to be done. What an awesome revival we had at our church! 
*I got to sit on the couch with my 2 boys & watch an ice skating movie with them yesterday evening. I love holding my little 3-year old right after he wakes up from nap! I hope I didn’t spread any germs on him! J
*I have kept up with my daily readings in my “One Year Bible.”
*I’ve enjoyed reading Beth Moore’s book, “So Long Insecurity!”
*Our puppy, Eli, has kept me warm when he falls asleep on my lap while I’m taking a nap on the couch.

*Several friends & family have called to check on me.
*My friend, Penny, brought her books over to let me read while I’m sick.
*My friend, Kim, brought me orange juice, flowers, & chocolate (which I can eat now that the fast is over)!
And here’s my favorite blessing…
*Listening to Ethan sing “Pop Goes the Weasel” at 11:30 PM last night through our monitor. He was not such a blessing to Daddy this morning when he had to get up at 7 am, but it sure was cute listening to him sing last night! He was WIRED all evening!
OK, it's 3:45 pm on Monday and I just got back from yet another visit to Dr. Mahmoud. I called & left a message with the nurse this morning to see if I should still be having fever, etc. Well, at about 1:15, Dr. Mahmoud himself called me & said to get there by 2 for another chest x-ray. Lovely! At least it wasn't another needle. :) And guess what! My pneumonia has grown over the weekend! He showed me both chest x-rays & it has spread quite a bit! He said, "I'm trying to decide if I am going to put you in the hospital." I begged him not to & tried to be tough & not cry. He finally said that he'd give me another antibiotic & that I have to go home & REST & call him again tomorrow. I asked him about going to school tomorrow, and he just looked at me! I kind of laughed & said that we're TAKS testing on Wed. He said he didn't care. That I have to get well! So...I'm heading to bed now to try to get some sleep. Please pray for my stressed-out husband & my sweet boys.