Last night, our Life Group/Sunday School class had our quarterly fellowship. We decided to have a scavenger hunt & then eat "breakfast for supper!"
My friend, Penny, and I came up with the idea this summer while we were spending the week as counselors at Kidz Kamp. The children had a scavenger hunt to find God's promises each day. They gave us clues as riddles & we had to search the camp grounds to find them. Most of the sponsors enjoyed the scavenger hunt as much as the kids, so we decided that would have to be our next fellowship!

And we predicted correctly...they were SOOOO competitive! We decided to have 3 of our most competitive couples be team leaders so they could add to that competitive spirit!
The teams received their first clue & they were OFF! At each destination, they had to take a certain picture & email it back to us at the church to "prove" they were there. They also had to write down God's promise that we left at each place. Then, they opened their colored envelope to get their next clue.
It was so much fun to get their pictures & see them actually finding our clues & enjoying themselves!

Their last clue led them back to the church & we enjoyed a breakfast feast! To end the evening, we had box folding session to get ready for Operation Christmas Child.
Thank you, Missy, Nancy, & Grant, for helping us by watching our children!
I was really proud of my husband for creating the clues...he's pretty clever. And Penny came up with the picture ideas...they were great too!
Here are a few of the clues...
1. Go to the place where the teens like to roll. It's under the horizont

al slats where parents sit in the shade. Where is it?
2. Drive the route that passes the sod on which the Tigers play. Continue past the sharp curve to the heavenly city. Go to the place where men launch their barques. Where is it?
3. Drive toward the city where stands the dihydrogen monoxide tank with an image of the man of Troy. Pull into the haven of rest between the asphalt ribbons en route. Where is it?
4. Go to the storehouse of food whose name contains a stream. It will be on the aisle with the Jewish bread treats. Where is it?

5. The gold & black letter arose this summer. Go to the seats under the PA. Where is it?
6. Head east on the highway whose number is prime. Turn right at the business who rules the air in this "country." Where is it?
(See the comments section for answers.)