Last Monday, we had the awesome opportunity to go on our first Field Trip with Cottage Garden. We visited the Providence Farm, home to one of my fabulous 1st period Study Skills students. :) I've enjoyed getting to know his mom as well. Angela Greenwell ( is such a sweet lady & her whole family did such a wonderful job entertaining us.
They showed us the cows, horses, goats, and chickens. The kids even got to pick up some of
the eggs that the chickens had laid & they got to feed the goats! One of Ethan's favorite thing

s was playing with a toy farm house! Then, we went on a hayride to their pond & the boys got to fish! Well, Eric & Evan fished...E
than mostly played. Austin & Kaitlyn act
ually caught some fish too! That was cool! After fishing, we had a picnic lunch & then they learned a little about pumpkins & played
a few games.
It was such a relaxing, enjoyable day! And the weather could not have been prettier! Thank you, Greenwell family, for hosting our