Monday, August 1, 2011

Memory Verse #15

AUGUST...the HOTTEST month of the year for us in Texas! Today, the lady on the news said this would be HOTTEST week yet for us! How can it possibly get any hotter than 105-110 degrees???

So...I think we should all just stay inside & memorize our verses. What do you think? :)

"The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down."
Proverbs 14:1 (NIV)

I got the idea for memorizing this verse this time from a Sally Clarkson workshop that I attended this weekend at the THSC Homeschool Conference in The Woodlands. Sally (and all of the other speakers) kept teaching about how important it is for us to cultivate a GODLY HEART in our children.

She kept telling stories & teaching us that we will reap what we sow. If we get frustrated easily with our little ones, we will cultivate FRUSTRATED HEARTS. If we get impatient because our children are not getting ready quickly enough for church or school or the trip to Walmart, then we are going to cultivate IMPATIENT & RUDE HEARTS. If we have a bitter attitude toward our jobs, church, friends, or life in general, we will cultivate BITTER HEARTS.

Then, Sally Clarkson quoted Proverbs 14:1: "The WISE woman BUILDS her HOUSE, but with her OWN HANDS the FOOLISH one TEARS hers DOWN."

Wow! What a gem of a verse! I've read it many times before but it really HIT me over the head when I heard Sally say it with her kind, gentle voice! She said do we want to build up our children or tear them down? I certainly do not want to tear down my house with my own hands!

I need to keep this verse in the forefront of my mind at all times! I can't tell you how many times I snap with an impatient, unkind attitude on Sunday mornings as we are trying to get out the door! And then I want them to be happy about going to church to learn about Jesus?

So this month I am going to try my hardest to say this verse to myself every time my boys (husband and dog included) try my patience. :) Will you pray for me & hold me accountable & check back to see how I'm doing?

I'd love to hear the verse you are memorizing this time!

Finding JOY in my journey,


  1. HI! Kim how are you doing?..I enjoyed your post, maybe will help me, w/the grands., yes~ Girl we are all beaten down by the heat! it has been a tough summer, and just to think it really will not even think about getting cooler until end of Oct.:( ugh!)but anyway have a great week! Stay Cool:)

  2. Ephesians 4:32NIV

    Be kind and compassionate
    to one another;
    forgiving each other,
    just as in Christ,
    God forgave you.

    Hi Kim,
    Proverbs 14:1 is one of my favorite verses.
    I almost chose to memporize the whole parable about the wise man building his house on the rock, and foolish on the sand, at the end of Matthew 7, but chose this verse in Ephesians instead.
    I am changing from Special Ed. teacher to Christian Preschool Teacher. Our "rule" is going to be
    Be Kind 2
    1 another. . .
    Ephesians 4:32


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