Monday, February 1, 2010

Memory Verse #3

Extravagant Grace

Wow! I can’t believe it’s already FEBRUARY 1, 2010! I’m so excited to share our family’s next verse to memorize! Here's what I put on my "dress-me-up" plate in the kitchen, so I'll see it every time I'm in there:

Psalm 119:9-11 (NIV)
How can young man keep his way pure?
By living according to Your word.
I seek You with all my heart;
Do not let me stray from Your commands.
I have hidden Your word in my heart
That I might not sin against You.

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of learning so many things about Psalm 119 from Beth Moore at the SMT Celebration. One of the things she talked about was how we needed to learn to live our lives more for Jesus. She said by memorizing His word, we will know how to live better. She talked about the parable of the sower and the seed and how the good seed was pressed into the soil to grow and flourish. She said that these verses made her think about how we need to press the Word into our hearts and let it soak in and change our hearts. She then talked about Psalm 119:9-11.

I remember memorizing verse 11 when I was little, but I haven’t thought about the 3 verses together. She talked about how we can teach our children to grow as Christians (verse 9), so I thought this would be the perfect passage to work on with Evan and Ethan this month. Sometimes I think Ethan is too young to memorize but he can sing just about any little song that he hears over & over, so I don’t give him enough credit.

Here are my two precious responsibilities that I must "train up" for Jesus!

So what verse are you memorizing this month? Will you please share it with me…either by the McLinky or with a comment? I’d love to hear it!

Drawing closer to Him in 2010!

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